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Artpipes e.V. / Germany

Core Culture

Culture is who we are as a people, why we do what we do on a daily basis, as well as an integral agent in the formation of personal, group and national identities. The Arts are a powerful medium for self-exploration, personal development and provide a much needed environment to question and develop personal, as well as social realities.


A cultural education allows our society to develop critical thinking skills, creative problem solving abilities, intercultural understanding and interpersonal empathy. These skills are just as important for our international economy as they are for the evolution of a peaceful and co-operative global community for our future generations.


Artpipes e.V. is a not for profit organisation promoting international cultural exchange and relations. It develops projects within the arts that foster an awareness of intercultural issues and strives to demonstrate the global ability to communicate and facilitate through the arts.


The association's emphasis lies on integration through active participation in cultural projects that provide a reciprocal educational experience. In addition, it assists artists of high calibre to gain performance opportunities in new markets. Artpipes believes the benefits of creating cultural exchange projects resonate far wider and deeper than the performances themselves. 


Our organization uses culture as a vehicle to connect people in our world, to share experience and develop understanding on a personal and professional level.

Artpipes realises projects that embody its philosophy in today’s cultural landscape. We are responsible for conceptual development, managerial  support, fundraising, tour management and production, marketing and publicity, in cooperation with contributing artists during the tenure of projects.

We provide an extremely generous  service, however please refer to our terms and conditions for participants. Artpipes exercises a stringent process to ensure projects undertaken are reciprocal and beneficial for all parties involved.

Photo: Artpipes e.V. Germany.

Global Perspectives,
Global Arts:

Cologne Meets Melbourne 2014

Photo: Anette Hammer / Freistil-Fotografie, Germany
Welcome from the Founder/Director Maryanne Piper.


Artpipes e.V. was inactive during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the international nature of its endeavours.

The current board membership is comprised of:

President - Rick Wolf (Wuppertal, Germany)

Vice President - Anette Hammer

(Wuppertal, Germany)

Treasurer - Jan Mueller (Bonn, Germany)

Artpipes e.V. has been acquitted (Freistellung) by the Finanzamt Elberfeld & Amtsgericht Wuppertal until 2024.

Project organisation will resume in 2023 with new collaborations between Germany, Sweden, and Australia. 

Our AGM will be held in July 2023 in Wuppertal, Germany. The date will be publicised closer to the timeframe.

Until then, a new organisational website is prioritised & will launch in April/May 2023.

Connectivity, Creativity:
Christina Fuchs Down Under 2012

Photo: Anette Hammer / Freistil-Fotografie, Germany
Portrait of a Man

On The Road: 2010 - 2020

Artpipes sincerely thanks Volkmar for his engagement and assistance. With a professional background in German, Literature, Politics and Design, Volkmar has given insightful friendship, much generosity and detailed communication skills to our organisation, which we are very grateful for.


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