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Our Thanks

Artpipes is most grateful to the people who have believed in our ideas and given their time, assistance and expertise during the realisation of our projects. Thank You.

Among others, we would like to mention specifically Elizabeth Piper, Adrian Jackson and Wangaratta Jazz Festival, Anette Hammer and Freistil Fotografie Wuppertal, Christina Fuchs, all committed contributing artists, Kathleen Goldammer, Iris Panknin, Caroline Keufen, Sina Neogy, Holger Grosch. This list is not exclusive or inclusive of everyone who has assisted in some way. We thank all of you, perhaps also not listed, for your idealism, commitment and support, whether small or large.

Culture is an important part of our society. Without it, people wouldn't make music, write books or teach our youth necessary creative skills. And without this, our world would be mere brick and mortar. Culture is a celebration as well as questioning of humanity and all its facets. Whoever has looked behind the curtain knows it also requires financial investment. To continue delivering projects of outstanding quality well into the future, we need your support. As a non-profit organization, we are able to provide you with a tax-deductable donation receipt, please just contact us. We thank you sincerely for your valued commitment and contribution to a future of understanding, co-operation and collaboration in our world!

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